
We can often exploit grants to reduce the cost of our project with you. We have shown some of the grant sources that we use frequently and we are happy to help search for other grants.

Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS)
Our Managing Director Michael Whiteley has been registered with MAS for over 9 years and under the previous regional structure was one of a handful of consultants registered to lead all types of projects including 30 day strategic interventions.

The current scheme although national has regional variations but typically we can get 30-50% grants up to £3,000 per project.

Growth Accelerator
Michael is an approved coach and trainer with Growth Accelerator for high growth businesses. Being part of the Growth Accelerator programme means that you can use coaches and trainers at subsidised rates of 40-50%.

Regional Grants
Through our partner Brook Corporate Developments we can access Barnsley Development Agency grants. This are normally for short projects and the grant is up to 100%.

For businesses located in Kirklees we can use the Smarter Working Voucher to fund short improvement projects. This is matched funding of up to £750 but your contribution can be time.

So if you have a project you want us to help with then we may well be able to reduce the costs by accessing grants. We are skilled grant application completers too so do not worry about the red tape as we will do most of this for you; it is all part of the service.

Contact Details

Tel: 07957 881611

Tel: 01723 503115



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